


  • python (>=3.11)

  • python-setuptools

  • postfix

Getting and installing Fuglu

preparing virtualenv

It is recommended to install Fuglu in a virtualenv for separation of Fuglu dependencies from your system python packages.

Use –system-site-packages when creating your virtualenv if you want to use primarily packages provided by your distribution. Omit to install all dependencies yourself. In any case you may have to install some dependencies via pip.


python3 -m virtualenv –system-site-packages fuglu . fuglu/bin/activate pip install <dependency>

Continue with one of the following installation methods based on your preference.

cloning source from gitlab

git clone
cd fuglu/fuglu
python install

latest source package from gitlab

tar -xvzf fuglu-master.tar.gz
cd fuglu-master/fuglu/
python install

latest released package from pypi


Install fuglu via pip is not recommended, please only proceed the following steps if you know how to do it yourself.

pip install fuglu
mkdir /etc/fuglu
cp -r /usr/local/lib/python*/dist-packages/etc/fuglu* /etc/fuglu
mkdir /var/fuglu
chown nobody:nobody /var/fuglu

With this install method, please note that you need to manually copy fuglu config from /usr/local/lib/python<version>/dist-packages/etc/ to /etc/fuglu. More details available in Configuration section.

Also log directory /var/log/fuglu needs to be created manually and granted proper permissions (by default user nobody and group nobody/nogroup).

This is a feature/restriction in PIP and not a bug in the fuglu installer.

Install on FreeBSD

FuGlu can be found in the FreeBSD ports repository as mail/py-fuglu.